Car Loans You may be thinking about buying a brand new car or perhaps you have your eye on the one that is second hand. Whatever your situation or circumstance may be Brisa can help you get behind the wheel of your desired car in the record time. We are proud to say that majority of our clients manage to drive away with their new cars the same day. Brisa finance has access to the lowest rates and best deals available in the market today and our processing times are second to none. We have arrangements with over 30 lenders that enable us to find right loan for you. What if you don’t have time to look for a vehicle! Perhaps our complimentary vehicle sourcing service is an answer for you. It is a very popular way for our clients to obtain their ideal vehicle and it is still 100% free .
We also provide financing solutions for businesses through asset finance or fleet arrangements.
“If you’re building your home or doing major renovations, you may be interested in getting a construction loan. This loan product is however structured differently from home loans designed for purchase of existing homes.
A construction loan most commonly has a progressive drawdown. That is, you receive instalments of the loan amount at various stages of construction, rather than receiving it all at once at the start. You generally only pay interest on the amount that is drawn down, as opposed to on the whole loan amount.
A number of lenders offer construction loans that are interest-only during the construction period and then revert to a standard principal and interest loan.
Of course, a construction loan is just one potential source of funding for your project. The Federal Government recently unveiled its HomeBuilder scheme, which will give eligible homebuyers and existing owners grants of $25,000 to help them construct or substantially renovate their home. Strict eligibility criteria apply– for example, you’ll need to meet an income test, and be building a new home that’s worth less than $750,000 or a renovation that will cost at least $150,000.
Here’s a general overview of how they work and what to look for.
We have access to incredible loan products and special offers from our landinpartners avialable only to first home buyers.
If you would like to find out how you too could take advantage of this once in a generation opportunity get in touch with us today.
If you would like to purchase a car today or would like explore some of the financing options with our experts don’t hesitate to contact us today.
Commercial Property comes in many forms.Shops,offices,factory and warehouse units are just some of the examples .They are popular with property investors as they generally command better rental returns and longer leases. If you are thinking about diversifying your portfolio and venturing into commercial property space,you have come to right place.
Our team has an extensive experience in commercial property space and longstanding partnerships with all the major financial institutions operating in this category.We have access to industry leading products and provide our clients with tailor made investment solutions.
If you would like to find out more about our commercial property solutions,get in touch with us today. If you would like to purchase a car today or would like explore some of the financing options with our experts don’t hesitate to contact us today
.If you find yourselves short of a deposit for your next property,don’t despair!Contact us and we could explore if deposit bond could perhaps be a solution for you.
Deposit bond could be suitable for you if.
You have sold your property and would like to buy a new one before the sale proceeds come through.
If you are downsizing to an alternative property.
If you are looking to attend an auction or number of auctions.
If already own an existing Australian based real estate and are looking to buy an off-the-plan apartment; unregistered land; or a House & Land package.
If you looking to buy an established property ,unregistered land or a house and land package and don’t already own any Australian based real estate but you do have someone that is willing o be your guarantor.
We have an extensive experience with helping our clients achieve their property goals and if your situation warrants we may advise and quickly organise a deposit bond you.
Buying your first home is one of life’s important milestones. It is an exciting time but it can be a little daunting and often people find themselves simply overwhelmed. We understand all the challenges the first home buyers face and provide them with all the support they may need. We’re here to guide you every step of the way with our expert advice and stress free application process. We work together to select a solution and a user friendly product that is right for you.
Current low interest rate environment coupled with host of government incentives have presented first home buyers with an incredible opportunity. We have access to incredible loan products and special offers from our landing partners available only to first home buyers. If you would like to find out how you too could take advantage of this once in a generation opportunity get in touch with us today.
If you would like to purchase a car today or would like explore some of the financing options with our experts don’t hesitate to contact us today
You may be an experianced property investor or perhaps someone thinking about purchasing their first investment property.If you are not going to live in the property you are purchasing the chances are that it would have to be financed with an investment property loan.There are different set of rules and conditions applicable to this product and we structure deals in regards to individual circumstances. Investment property finance, tailormade to your situation and your property investment goals can offer increased flexibility and investment returns.
Most common reasons why people invest in real estate,
Wealth Creation
Rental Income
Investment Diversification
Tax Planning
If you would like to explore your options in property investment ,please get in touch with your investment property expert today.
Whether you are up sizing or downsizing or just moving to a different town or state it is always important to structure your property finance in a way that will offer you increased flexibility moving forward.
We structure property finance for our clients in a way that it complements their lifestyle yet fits with their long term property investment objectives.
If you would like to explore some of the property finance strategies with our experts don’t hesitate to contact us today.
You may want to renovate or furnish your home. Maybe you would like to organise your wedding or book a honeymoon.
If you find yourself short of funds personal loan could be an answer. Personal loans are flexible and their rates and conditions can be attractive.
Personal loans can be a great alternative to credit cards .Interest rates on personal loans are generally much lower and approval times much quicker.
We have access to incredible loan products and special offers from our landing partners available to our costumers.
If you would like to find out how you too could take advantage of this opportunities get in touch with us today.
Refinancing can be a suitable strategy in number of situations and if properly structured should offer borrowers improved flexibility and deliver significant savings.
Most common reasons why people undertake refinancing are
Accessing equity
Better interest rate
Loan with better features (Eg Offset Account)
Switching between variable and fixed rates
Switching mortgage applicants
Debt consolidations
Goal of successful refinancing should be to deliver long term value and improved flexibility.If you would like to find out if refinancing would be right for you ,get in touch with us today.
Self managed super funds (SMSFs) give you the power to control your own finances and enable you to directly invest in property . They are subject to specific government regulation but our highly experienced SMSF specialists can support you through the process of obtaining finance for purchase of residential and commercial properties.
Some of the benefits that purchasing a property through SMSF may offer
Retirement Income
Direct Exposure to Property
Business owners can purchase their business premisses through SMSF
Increased Leverage
Improved Borrowing Capacity
If you would like to find out about different options that may be available within your SMSF fund you have come to a right place.We have an extensive experience in SMSF space and have access to leading products in the industry.
People genarally buy vacant blocks of land with the intention of building a house on it .However if the construction is not going to commence within 12 months from time of purchase ,it may be benefitial to use vacant land financing instead of construction loan to complete the purchase.Vacant land loans provide increased flexibility to purchaser but are generally associated with different costs and conditions .We have extensive expertise in the field and provide our clients with strategies best suited to their individual circumstances.
If you would like to find out more about vacant land finance and if it would be right for you,get in touch with us today.